Results for 'Kristina O. Kvashnina'

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  1.  42
    A computational modeling approach to investigating mind wandering-related adjustments to gaze behavior during scene viewing.Kristina Krasich, Kevin O'Neill, Samuel Murray, James R. Brockmole, Felipe De Brigard & Antje Nuthmann - 2024 - Cognition 242 (C):105624.
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    Looking at Mental Images: Eye‐Tracking Mental Simulation During Retrospective Causal Judgment.Kristina Krasich, Kevin O'Neill & Felipe De Brigard - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13426.
    How do people evaluate causal relationships? Do they just consider what actually happened, or do they also consider what could have counterfactually happened? Using eye tracking and Gaussian process modeling, we investigated how people mentally simulated past events to judge what caused the outcomes to occur. Participants played a virtual ball‐shooting game and then—while looking at a blank screen—mentally simulated (a) what actually happened, (b) what counterfactually could have happened, or (c) what caused the outcome to happen. Our findings showed (...)
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    Euthanasia requests in dementia cases; what are experiences and needs of Dutch physicians? A qualitative interview study.Jaap Schuurmans, Romy Bouwmeester, Lamar Crombach, Tessa van Rijssel, Lizzy Wingens, Kristina Georgieva, Nadine O’Shea, Stephanie Vos, Bram Tilburgs & Yvonne Engels - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-9.
    In the Netherlands, in 2002, euthanasia became a legitimate medical act, only allowed when the due care criteria and procedural requirements are met. Legally, an Advanced Euthanasia Directive can replace direct communication if a patient can no longer express his own wishes. In the past decade, an exponential number of persons with dementia share a euthanasia request with their physician. The impact this on physicians, and the consequent support needs, remained unknown. Our objective was to gain more insight into the (...)
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  4. Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Cheating: The Influence of Direct Knowledge and Attitudes on Academic Dishonesty.David A. Rettinger, Kristina Ryan, Kristopher Fulks, Anna Deaton, Jeffrey Barnes & Jillian O'Rourke - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (1):47-64.
    What effect does witnessing other students cheat have on one's own cheating behavior? What roles do moral attitudes and neutralizing attitudes (justifications for behavior) play when deciding to cheat? The present research proposes a model of academic dishonesty which takes into account each of these variables. Findings from experimental (vignette) and survey methods determined that seeing others cheat increases cheating behavior by causing students to judge the behavior less morally reprehensible, not by making rationalization easier. Witnessing cheating also has unique (...)
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    Heidegger a Hegelova Fenomenológia ducha.Kristína Bosáková - 2017 - Studia Philosophica 64 (2):5-20.
    Fenomenológia ducha, zdôrazňuje Heidegger, je prvou časťou Hegelom plánovaného systému vied. Jej podtitul znie: Veda o skúsenosti vedomia. Tou vedou (Wissenschaft) bude filozofia, chápaná ako veda o skúsenosti vedomia, teda o skúsenosti, ktorú má vedomie seba samého. Filozofii, podľa Hegela, ide o absolútne poznanie, teda o poznanie v najvšeobecnejšom zmysle slova. Možno teda tvrdiť, že kým Hegelovi išlo vo Fenomenológii ducha o vzťah človeka, poznávajúceho subjektu, schopného sebauvedomenia, k absolútnu, tak Heideggerovi v jeho interpretácii Hegelovej Fenomenológie ducha išlo predovšetkým o (...)
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    Higher education outreach: Examining key challenges for academics.Matthew Johnson, Emily Danvers, Tamsin Hinton-Smith, Kate Atkinson, Gareth Bowden, John Foster, Kristina Garner, Paul Garrud, Sarah Greaves, Patricia Harris, Momna Hejmadi, David Hill, Gwen Hughes, Louise Jackson, Angela O’Sullivan, Séamus ÓTuama, Pilar Perez Brown, Pete Philipson, Simon Ravenscroft, Mirain Rhys, Tom Ritchie, Jon Talbot, David Walker, Jon Watson, Myfanwy Williams & Sharon Williams - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (4):469-491.
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    Psichozė kaip išslystantis agentiškumas: fenomenologinės psichopatologijos perspektyva.Kristina Baranovaitė - 2024 - Problemos 105:130-142.
    Šiuo metu vykstančio fenomenologinės psichopatologijos atsinaujinimo kontekste straipsnyje pristatoma viena esminių fenomenologinės psichopatologijos prielaidų – poreikis prasmingai inkorporuoti su patologija susidūrusio subjekto potyrius į jo gyvenimo naratyvą. Aptariama, kaip psichozei progresuojant subjektas palaipsniui praranda agentiškumą savo dėmesio bei prasmių kūrimo atžvilgiu. Pasitelkiant W. Gombrowicziaus romaną Kosmosas rekonstruojamas aktyviosios psichozės stadijos epizodas – subjekto dėmesį ir prasmę struktūruojantys centrai įsisteigia tarytum nepriklausomai nuo jo, jų pagrindu besikuriantiems kliedesiams plečiantis tampa vis sunkiau išlaikyti ryšį su supančiu pasauliu. Naratyvo kūrimas tokioje situacijoje pasirodo (...)
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  8. Scientific polarization.Cailin O’Connor & James Owen Weatherall - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):855-875.
    Contemporary societies are often “polarized”, in the sense that sub-groups within these societies hold stably opposing beliefs, even when there is a fact of the matter. Extant models of polarization do not capture the idea that some beliefs are true and others false. Here we present a model, based on the network epistemology framework of Bala and Goyal, 784–811 1998), in which polarization emerges even though agents gather evidence about their beliefs, and true belief yields a pay-off advantage. As we (...)
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  9. The presence of Catholics in Australian politics: An ecclesial perspective.Robert Gascoigne - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (1):3.
    Gascoigne, Robert A quick rollcall of Australian political life demonstrates a remarkable presence of Catholics in leadership positions, including the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove; the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott; the Leader of the Federal Opposition, Bill Shorten; the two immediate past premiers of New South Wales, Barry O'Farrell and Kristina Keneally; the previous Governor of New South Wales, Dame Marie Bashir; and the Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney, Clover Moore; among others. Indeed, in the immediate past Federal (...)
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  10. The emergence of intersectional disadvantage.Cailin O’Connor, Liam Kofi Bright & Justin P. Bruner - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (1):23-41.
    Intersectionality theory explores the special sorts of disadvantage that arise as the result of occupying multiple disadvantaged demographic categories. One significant methodological problem for the quantitative study of intersectionality is the difficulty of acquiring data sets large enough to produce significant results when one is looking for intersectional effects. For this reason, we argue, simulation methods may be particularly useful to this branch of theorizing because they can generate precise predictions and causal dependencies in a relatively cheap way, and can (...)
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  11. An Anthropologist on Mars.O. Sacks & A. Freeman - 1994 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 1 (2):234-240.
    Oliver Sacks MD, Clinical Professor of Neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, talked with Anthony Freeman during his visit to London in January 1995 to publicize his recently published book An Anthropologist on Mars. The interview is preceded by an overview of the book.
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  12. Modern Moral Conscience.Tom O’Shea - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (4):582-600.
    This article challenges the individualism and neutrality of modern moral conscience. It looks to the history of the concept to excavate an older tradition that takes conscience to be social and morally responsive, while arguing that dominant contemporary justifications of conscience in terms of integrity are inadequate without reintroducing these social and moral traits. This prompts a rethinking of the nature and value of conscience: first, by demonstrating that a morally-responsive conscience is neither a contradiction in terms nor a political (...)
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  13. The Normativity of Nature in Epicurean Ethics and Politics.Tim O’Keefe - 2021 - In Peter Adamson & Christof Rapp (eds.), State and Nature: Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 181-199.
    Appeals to nature are ubiquitous in Epicurean ethics and politics. The foundation of Epicurean ethics is its claim that pleasure is the sole intrinsic good and pain the sole intrinsic evil, and this is supposedly shown by the behavior of infants who have not yet been corrupted, "when nature's judgement is pure and whole." Central to their recommendations about how to attain pleasure is their division between types of desires: the natural and necessary ones, the natural but non-necessary ones, and (...)
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  14. The Concept of Mediation in Hegel and Adorno.Brian O’Connor - 1999 - Hegel Bulletin 20 (1-2):84-96.
    Given its centrality to the intellectual thought processes through which the great structures of logic, nature, and spirit are unfolded it is clear that mediation is vital to the very possibility of Hegel’s encyclopaedic philosophy. Yet Hegel gives little specific explanation of the concept of mediation. Surprisingly, it has been the subject of even less attention by scholars of Hegel. Nevertheless it is casually used in discussions of Hegel and post- Hegelian philosophy as though its meaning were simple and straightforward. (...)
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    A Nonprofit Perspective on Business–Nonprofit Partnerships: Extending the Symbiotic Sustainability Model.Amy O’Connor, Yuli Patrick Hsieh & Michelle Shumate - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1337-1373.
    Using the symbiotic sustainability model as a framework, this research investigates how many and with which businesses top nonprofit organizations report partnerships. We examined the websites of the 122 largest, most recognizable U.S. nonprofits. These websites included information about 2,418 business–nonprofit partnerships with 1,707 unique businesses. The results suggest key differences with previous research on how U.S. Fortune 500 companies report B2N partnerships. Leading nonprofits report more B2N partnerships than U.S. Fortune 500 companies do. Furthermore, nonprofits do not maintain industry (...)
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  16. Lucretius and the Philosophical Use of Literary Persuasion.Tim O'Keefe - 2020 - In Donncha O'Rourke (ed.), Approaches to Lucretius: Traditions and Innovations in Reading the de Rerum Natura. Cambridge University Press. pp. 177-194.
    The first part of this paper looks into the question of Lucretius’ philosophical sources and whether he draws almost exclusively from Epicurus himself or also from later Epicurean texts. I argue that such debates are inconclusive and likely will remain so, even if additional Epicurean texts are discovered, and that even if we were able to ascertain Lucretius’ philosophical sources, doing so would add little to our understanding of the De Rerum Natura. The second part of the paper turns to (...)
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  17. Universalização do direito.João Monteiro - 1906 - São Paulo,: Typ. Duprat & comp..
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  18. Consent: Historical Perspectives in Medical Ethics.Tom O'Shea - 2017 - In Peter Schaber & Andreas Müller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Consent. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 261-271.
    This chapter provides an outline of consent in the history of medical ethics. In doing so, it ranges over attitudes towards consent in medicine in ancient Greece, medieval Europe and the Middle East, as well as the history of Western law and medical ethics from the early modern period onwards. It considers the relationship between consent and both the disclosure of information to patients and the need to indemnify physicians, while attempting to avoid an anachronistic projection of concern with patient (...)
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    Filosofía de la razón plural: Isaiah Berlin entre dos siglos.Pablo Badillo O'Farrell (ed.) - 2011 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
    Sobre el libro: Isaiah Berlin ha sido, además de un original e intuitivo historiador de las ideas y autor de numerosos conceptos teórico-políticos, un reconocido teorizador de la libertad y defensor acérrimo del pluralismo. Rasgos que lo han convertido en un innegable referente intelectual en nuestra época. Sobre el editor: El Editor de la presente obra, Pablo Badillo O'Farrell, con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de Berlin, ha reunido un número de contribuciones de estudiosos italianos y españoles que ofrecen, desde (...)
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    Approaches to Lucretius: Traditions and Innovations in Reading the de Rerum Natura.Donncha O'Rourke (ed.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Both in antiquity and ever since the Renaissance Lucretius' De Rerum Natura has been admired – and condemned – for its startling poetry, its evangelical faith in materialist causation, and its seductive advocacy of the Epicurean good life. Approaches to Lucretius assembles an international team of classicists and philosophers to take stock of a range of critical approaches to which this influential poem has given rise and which in turn have shaped its interpretation, including textual criticism, the text's strategies for (...)
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    Not by Nature but by Grace: Forming Families through Adoption by Gilbert C. Meilaender.Thomas O'Brien - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):209-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Not by Nature but by Grace: Forming Families through Adoption by Gilbert C. MeilaenderThomas O'BrienNot by Nature but by Grace: Forming Families through Adoption Gilbert C. Meilaender notre dame, in: university of notre dame press, 2016. 136 pp. $25.00I was adopted as an infant through a Catholic Charities office in 1961, and just three years ago, thanks to an online DNA analysis service, I met both of my (...)
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  22. Civic Republican Disability Justice.Tom O'Shea - 2018 - Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability.
    This chapter develops a civic republican approach to disability justice. It begins by articulating a republican account of liberty as nondomination before showing how such domination can shape the relationships of people with disabilities. This leads to a consideration of whether disability justice can be defined in terms of maximizing or sufficient nondomination. Instead, the chapter provides a civic framework within which republican disability justice can be understood, encompassing both the absence of oppressive relationships and the presence of capabilities of (...)
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  23. Law, Institution and Legal Politics. Fundamental Problems of Legal Theory and Social Philosophy.O. Weinberger - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (3):577-577.
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    Possible blindsight in infants lacking one cerebral hemisphere.O. Braddick, J. Atkinson, B. Hood & W. Harkness - 1992 - Nature 360:461-463.
  25. Philosophical Essays.O. K. Bouwsma - 1965 - Philosophy 41 (156):186-188.
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  26. A Civic Republican Analysis of Mental Capacity Law.Tom O'Shea - 2018 - Legal Studies 1 (38):147-163.
    This article draws upon the civic republican tradition to offer new conceptual resources for the normative assessment of mental capacity law. The republican conception of liberty as non-domination is used to identify ways in which such laws generate arbitrary power that can underpin relationships of servility and insecurity. It also shows how non-domination provides a basis for critiquing legal tests of decision-making that rely upon ‘diagnostic’ rather than ‘functional’ criteria. In response, two main civic republican strategies are recommended for securing (...)
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    Dramatic Theology of K. Barth, H.U. von Balthasar and R. Schwager.O. Shepetyak - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:104-111.
    In the article of Oleh Shepetyak «Dramatic Theology of K. Barth, H.U. von Balthasar and R. Schwager» the analysis of one of the theological concepts of XX - the beginning of XXI century was performed which was developed by Karl Barth, Gustav Aulén, Gans Urs von Balthasar and got the name «dramatic theology». This way of theological reflection appeared as antithesis to liberal theology developed in the dialogue with the Enlightment philosophy. The contribution of main creators of dramatic theology into (...)
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    After-images.O. R. Jones - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (2):150-158.
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    The twentieth-century humanist critics from Spitzer to Frye (review).Mary Anne O'Neil - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (1):pp. 260-262.
    In The Twentieth-Century Humanists from Spitzer to Frye, William Calin examines the contributions of eight scholar-critics who produced their most important work between the mid-1930s and the early 1960s, before the advent of contemporary critical theory. Five are from Continental Europe. Leo Spitzer, Robert Curtius and Erich Auerbach were German-language students of Romance literatures, while Albert Béguin and Jean Rousset, both speakers of French, were leading figures of the Geneva school. Calin also includes English-language scholars: the Oxford don C. S. (...)
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    Battlefield Triage.Christopher Bobier & Daniel Hurst - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    Photo ID 222412412 © US Navy Medicine | ABSTRACT In a non-military setting, the answer is clear: it would be unethical to treat someone based on non-medical considerations such as nationality. We argue that Battlefield Triage is a moral tragedy, meaning that it is a situation in which there is no morally blameless decision and that the demands of justice cannot be satisfied. INTRODUCTION Medical resources in an austere environment without quick recourse for resupply or casualty evacuation are often (...)
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    A study of Tattvārthasūtra with bhāṣya: with special reference to authorship and date.Suzuko Ōhira - 1982 - Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute of Indology.
    Study of Umāsvātī's Tattvārthādhigamasūtra, 2nd century aphoristic work, with autocommentary, on the basic tenets of Jaina philosophy.
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    Constitution or Vatican? O'Brien - 1927 - Modern Schoolman 3 (7):105-106.
    THIS article concerning Mr. Marshall's open letter to Governor Smith does not pretend to be an answer. It suggests some philosophical considerations on the point at issue. The Editor.
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    Letting Habits Die: Derrida, Ravaisson and the Structure of Life.Patrick O’Connor - 2015 - Symposium 19 (1):222-247.
    This essay will provide a comparative analysis of themes at work in both Jacques Derrida and Félix Ravaisson. By putting these thinkers in dialogue will I believe offers valuable insights into questions of deconstruction and vitalism. I will examine Derrida’s remarks on Ravaisson in On Touching: Jean Luc Nancy, and use his thoughts as a way of explaining the similarities and differences between Derrida and Ravaisson and thus of Derrida’s proximity to and distance from the vitalist tradition. I will also (...)
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    The Matter of Thinking: Material Thinking and the Natural History of Humankind.Aislinn O'Donnell - 2018 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 6 (1):39-54.
    Contemporary educational policies have recently prioritised the development of generic, core, and transferable skills. This essay reflects on this tendency in the context of the ‘algorithmic condition’ and those discourses that tend toward an image of education that privileges dematerialised skills, practices, and knowledge. It argues that this turn towards dematerialisation is resonant with shifts in a number of diff erent domains, including work, and explores some of the implications of this shift. Instead I suggest an approach to education that (...)
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    42. Baccalaureate Service.Jean O'Grady - 2000 - In Northrop Frye on Religion. University of Toronto Press. pp. 372-372.
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    (1 other version)Swift and Whitman as Exponents of Human Nature.R. D. O'Leary - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 24 (2):183.
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    Logic and the Grainmarian.Rev Hugh P. O'Neill - 1928 - Modern Schoolman 4 (7):119-119.
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    Understanding Habermas: Communicative Action and Deliberative Democracy.Claire O'Neill - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (1):99-101.
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    A Response to my Critics: O'Neill and Mays.Calvin O. Schrag - 1983 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 14 (1):40-49.
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    Biopolitics without Bodies: Feminism and the Feeling of Life.Nathan Snaza - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):178-203.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:178 Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Nathan Snaza Biopolitics without Bodies: Feminism and the Feeling of Life Against a restrictive and imperialist concept of “the human,” which has become globalized during the long march of colonialist, heterosexist modernity, Samantha Frost’s Biocultural Creatures summons “counter-concepts” of the human that might authorize new political possibilities and theories of what it means to be human. She (...)
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  41. On Biodiversity: An Exclusive Interview with Edward O. Wilson.Edward O. Wilson - 1993 - Free Inquiry 13:28-31.
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    Nongam Kim Chʻang-hyŏp ŭi chʻŏrhak sasang yŏnʼgu.Chʻŏn-sŭng Yi - 2006 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Hanʼguk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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    Justice: Its essence in human affairs.O. O. Asukwo - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 7 (2).
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    Negation and negative properties: reply to Richard Vallée.O. Chateaubriand - 2004 - Manuscrito 27 (1):235-242.
    I argue in §1 that there is a clear distinction between predicate negation and sentential negation and that sentential negation is a special case of predicate negation operating on the predicate ‘is true’. In §2 I reply to Richard’s objections to negative properties on the basis of the conception of properties as identity conditions presented in Chapter 12 of Logical Forms.
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    Propositional logic: response to Ken López-Escobar.O. Chateaubriand - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (1):115-120.
    Ken López-Escobar questions the timeless status of various entities—propositions, numbers, etc.—as well as my characterization of pure propositional logic as an ontological theory. In my response I argue that my characterization of propositional logic does not depend on timeless propositions, or on other abstract truth bearers, but is a characterization in terms of truth relations between any truth bearers. I also discuss his views on numbers as cultural constructs, as well as his use of quantification in propositional logic.Ken López-Escobar questiona (...)
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    The nature of propositions: reply to Jairo José da Silva.O. Chateaubriand - 2004 - Manuscrito 27 (1):147-157.
    In §1 I reply to Jairo’s objections to my account of truth and falsity showing that my account of falsity does not imply that false sentences refer to something. In §2 I argue that Jairo’s main objection to my account of propositions as abstract properties is based on a misunderstanding concerning the purpose of this account. In §3 I examine Jairo’s suggestion that contradictory sentences can be said to describe possible states of affairs.
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  47. The transmission of philosophy in historical form. A report on the 1998 Genoa conference of the Italian Philosophical Society.O. Cocorocchio - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 53 (2):317-320.
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    Models as Make-Believe: Imagination, Fiction and Scientific Representation.O. Corry - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (1):126-128.
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    Vorländer, Karl, Volkstümliche Geschichte der Philosophie.O. A. Ellissen - 1923 - Kant Studien 28 (1-2):433.
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    Fixed-points of Set-continuous Operators.O. Esser, R. Hinnion & D. Dzierzgowski - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (2):183-194.
    In this paper, we study when a set-continuous operator has a fixed-point that is the intersection of a directed family. The framework of our study is the Kelley-Morse theory KMC– and the Gödel-Bernays theory GBC–, both theories including an Axiom of Choice and excluding the Axiom of Foundation. On the one hand, we prove a result concerning monotone operators in KMC– that cannot be proved in GBC–. On the other hand, we study conditions on directed superclasses in GBC– in order (...)
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